Christian Madsen Academy

Transition Coaching Programme.

Transition Coaching can help you when you undergo life-shifts, career and role changes. 

Our Transition Coaching helps facilitate critical self-reflection, so you become aware of your limiting beliefs that might be barriers to change. That awareness leads to mental perspective shifts, which enable positive life and career transitions in order to reach your full potential in life.

Our coaching is holistic and humanistic. That means taking a person-centred approach, perceiving you as a whole human being in your transitions in life and career.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with Clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.”

Pedrick (2021: p. 8) defines coaching in a further clear way as “a future-focused conversation between two people working in partnership in service of the thinking of one of them.”

Overall, coaching is a future-focused and open dialogue between you and your Coach to support in unlocking your potential. It is a partnership to create a space and time for your thinking and reflection.

Transition Coaching specifically focuses on the inner psychological process that people go through as they undergo their own life-shifts such as a change in career or role, moving to a new location or becoming a parent.

Transition is therefore more specifically to internalise, handle and come to terms with a shift or movement from one state, condition or phase of life to another.

We all experience Transitions in life and they are often multifaceted. Transitions can be challenging and difficult as they often involve leaving familiar situations behind and adapting to new ones. However, they can also be exciting and provide opportunities for positive growth and personal development.

Typical themes in Transition Coaching are:

  • Promotions to a new role
  • Navigating a career change
  • Move from one functional area to another
  • Changing company or organisation
  • Being laid off or made redundant
  • Transition from one Leadership role to another (work values, time application, skills)
  • Returning to work after a leave or sabbatical
  • Personal life-shifts

Below is our Transition Coaching model based on three phases of Transition (inspired by Bridges, 1988):

  • Ending: Coaching session 1 — Letting go and taking stock of the situation, which can be shocking and a loss of control
  • Reorientation: Coaching sessions 2-5 — Explore possibilities, mindset, skills, barriers to change, e.g. confusion, distress
  • New Beginning: Coaching session 6 Recommit to changes based on new understanding, values, attitudes

These three stages of Transition do not necessarily happen in a linear way in sequence, but can happen with cross-overs and in a non-linear manner. Therefore, our Transition Coaching can switch between phases interchangeably.

Our Transition Coaching enable transformational change by helping you obtain positive life and career changes. We will work on your self-awareness, assumptions and confidence as well as any limiting barriers to change you might have. We also explore possibilities, your focus, expectations, skills and behaviours for the future.

My coaching approach is integrative and person-centred, meaning that I draw from and flexibly integrate Behavioural Coaching, Developmental Coaching, Transformative Coaching and NLP depending on your desired outcome as a client.

As a professional Coach, I follow the rigorous standards of the ICF Code of Ethics and ICF Core Competencies by being a member of the ICF.

Below is outlined more in detail what coaching is and is not for your overview (adapted from Bolton, 2022).

Coaching is in essence:

  1. Client-led: Sessions are led by you the client, not by the Coach
  2. Dialogic: We will follow a process of conversation using questions and reflection
  3. Client-initiated: Desired change by you the client needs to be made by your own actions, as opposed to being done for you
  4. Non-advisory: You the client comes to the best answers for yourself or gains learning at a deeper level
  5. Non-judgemental: Your Coach is open-minded, respectful and does not judge, what you bring forward
  6. Change oriented: Our conversation is focused on creating change rather than coping mechanisms, i.e. it has clear goals or outcomes
  7. Focused on potential and growth: Assuming that people can grow and change for more well-being, realising their potential
  8. Not Therapy: Where past trauma, mental or physical illnesses are diagnosed/treated (e.g. by psychotherapist or psychologist)


¹Pedrick, C. (2021) Simplifying Coaching: How to Have More Transformational Conversations by Doing Less, 1st ed., London: Open University Press.

²Bridges, W. (1988) Bridges Transition Model. Bay Area: William Bridges Associates.

³Bolton, N. (2022) What Is Transformative Coaching? London: Animas Centre for Coaching.

So, Why choose a Transition Coaching Programme?

Because through coaching, you can thrive and transform during transitional periods.

Our coaching takes a humanistic approach, which is perceiving you as a whole human being. That means the coaching is person-centred and holistic, meaning that it takes into account your state of thoughts (and self-talk), beliefs, assumptions, values, expectations and mindset (brain), your feelings and emotions (heart) and physiology, e.g. how you express yourself and what you say, body language and/or tone of voice (body). 

In addition, in coaching you will experience that you get my undivided attention as your Coach and thinking partner, which means that I will be fully present during our sessions and your transitions.

Furthermore, our purpose is to inspire better lives and thereby healthy and sustainable human high performance, well-being, growth and positive change.

Transitions can culminate in valuable transformations if only you are given support along the way.

That makes Transition Coaching impactful.

In our Transition Coaching journey, we will focus on:

  • Letting go of your previous role
  • Recognising and taking stock of your situation and challenges
  • Create self-reflection and self-awareness
  • Explore possibilities, opportunities, mindset
  • Maximising your potential and strengths

All of that can enable you to unlock your full potential and possibilities in life.

So, How does the Transition Coaching Programme work?

Our Transition Coaching Programme is transformational and life-changing and based on a 6-week programme (6 sessions weekly or biweekly).

The programme is designed to benefit you the most in your life and career transitions.

Coaching process:

  1. Deciding: First initial step to begin a Transition Coaching collaboration is that you are undergoing your own personal life-shifts, career or role changes: you would like to achieve a positive life or career transition.

  2. Schedule Discovery Call: Second step is that you book an initial discovery call, which is a free calibration call prior to beginning our coaching collaboration to ensure good alignment between us and give you an overview of the Transition Coaching Programme and opportunities.

    These topics will be covered in the discovery call:

    – Get to know each other, building rapport and exploring personal chemistry
    What coaching and Transition Coaching is and what it is not
    – Overview on the benefits of Transition Coaching
    – Clarity about confidentiality and ethics involved in coaching collaboration
    – Discovering what life or career transitions, you would like to work on

  3. Coaching sessions: The 6-week Transition Coaching Programme consists of six coaching sessions (60 minutes).

    Coaching session 1: focuses on creating self-awareness and reflection about your transition and situation.
    Coaching sessions 2-5: focuses on exploring possibilities, mindset, perspectives to reorientate.
    Coaching session 6: focuses on renewal, i.e. recommitting to the changes with new understanding, values, attitudes

    All coaching conversations are unique and a coaching session commonly follows a process that consists of a beginning, middle and an end, i.e.:

    1) Part one focuses on rightsizing the conversation in partnership with you: agreeing on what the conversation should be about today and clarifying the changes and transition you undergo and want to bring forward
    2) Part two consists of open questions by your Coach in the dialogue around the topic to explore, think and create awareness
    3) Part three focuses on your learnings from the session and choices, actions and commitments agreed upon by you

    We agree when to follow up, e.g. at the next Coaching session(s).

  4. Positive Transition: Lastly, a coaching collaboration evolves and changes direction based on your needs, so following the 6-week Transition Coaching Programme, the collaboration might come to a natural end or new focus areas for the coaching might be agreed in the next coaching sessions (client-led by you).

1:1 Transition Coaching Programme:

Based on a 6-week Transition Coaching Programme that consists of six one-to-one coaching sessions either weekly or biweekly depending on your needs. 

Main target group: 

Professionals, leaders and private clients mainly focused on life and career transitions: life-shifts, bigger life events and career changes such as new job, lost job, new project etc.

All Transition Coaching Programmes include:

  • 1 x 30 minute free discovery call prior to starting the coaching collaboration. This is for a calibration, which ensures good alignment between you and your Coach.
  • 6 x 60 minute coaching sessions (weekly or biweekly): One to one session (Zoom or in person)
  • 1 x Deeper Signals Core Drivers and Core Values personality assessment to create self-awareness (takes app. 15 min)
  • Unlimited access to your Coach via email (typically replies within 48 hours)

Programme investment:
All prices are including VAT.

  • 6-week programme (6 hours): €1250 / 9375 DKK


Enroll today to begin your transitional journey!

6-week Transition Coaching Programme

Begin your transformational journey!
1250 9375 kr
All prices include VAT
  • 6-week transformational journey: 6 x 60 minute coaching sessions
  • Explore your transitional situation and build self-awareness
  • Explore possibilities, mindset, perspectives to reorientate
  • Recommit to changes: new understanding, values, attitudes

Book a free discovery call

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