Christian Madsen Academy

ELEVATE: High Performance Programme.

ELEVATE is a 12-Week High Performance Coaching Programme built specifically to enhance well-being and performance in your personal life, educational and work domains. All to have the life you want and to achieve success.

This is a unique coaching programme, based on Transformative Coaching and combines: Coaching, perspectives from working with Athletes to peak performance, experiences from Military Leadership Training, from a selection of diverse talents in large Corporate Companies and from my Start-up/Entrepreneurial experience of making a business successful.

“The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your own attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them.”

“Gritty people train at the edge of their comfort zone. They zero in on one narrow aspect of their performance and set a stretch goal to improve it.”

Holistic Life, Performance and Well-being

Transformative Coaching

Thinking space of presence, active listening and reflection in order to hear your thoughts and gain self-awareness to be able to change, perform and succeed.

Holistic Athlete's Mindset to Perform

Inspiring holistic thinking about goal-setting (outcome, performance, process), self-control and grit, positive focus & beliefs, well-being, i.e. physical activity, sleep & recovery, nutrition, mental energy & having fun to incrementally improve.

Learn from Military Leadership Training

Learn from military training and think about structured yet context adaptable process focus, growing your grit & determination, feedback-loops (briefing and debriefing).

Talent selection from large Corporate Companies

Essential perspectives from selecting high-performing diverse talents in corporate companies.

Learn from Start-up & Entrepreneurial domain

Thinking about creativity, testing, failing and learning to become successful.

Pedrick (2021: p. 8) defines Coaching in a really clear way as “a future-focused conversation between two people working in partnership in service of the thinking of one of them.”

Coaching overall is a dialogic process, a facilitated conversation, between you and your Coach to help you think, become self-aware and from that be able to learn and change.

Our ELEVATE: High Performance Coaching Programme is uniquely designed to enhance wellbeing and performance in your personal life, educational and work domains. 

We will integrate and combine perspectives from both Transformative Coaching, perspectives from working with endurance athletes to achieve peak performance, experiences of finding and growing your grit and determination from Military Leadership Training, from recruitment selection of diverse talents in large corporate companies and from entrepreneurial mindset in Start-ups and experience making a business successful.

Our coaching sessions and partnership will be based on the dreams, goals and outcomes that you want to work on and achieve, i.e. what we talk about in each session is guided by you (client-led).

Our coaching conversations can flexibly switch between 3 main coaching levels to benefit you the most:

  • Performance Coaching (Behavioural Coaching): Task-oriented focused on an outcome or goal
  • Developmental Coaching: Focused on developing greater competence in a given area
  • Transformative Coaching: Focused on creating perspective shifts by creating deeper self-awareness

As a Coach and member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), I follow the high standards of the ICF Code of Ethics and ICF Core Competencies.

I continuously focus on my own development as a Coach with new courses and education as well as receiving coaching supervision for my own coaching practice 4-6 times per annum.


¹Pedrick, C. (2021) Simplifying Coaching: How to Have More Transformational Conversations by Doing Less, 1st ed., London: Open University Press.

So, Why choose the ELEVATE: High Performance Coaching Programme?

Coaching can have several beneficial effects such as improved performance and well-being, which leads to success.

In a very insightful research publication Duckworth and Gross (2014) find that both Self-Control and Grit are two of such important determinants of success.

So, to become successful in life these two traits are important.

According to Duckworth and Gross (2014) “Self-Control is the capacity to regulate attention, emotion, and behaviour in the presence of temptation”, i.e. often referred to as willpower when there is conflict between two or more possible impulses.

Grit on the other hand is defined as “passion and perseverance toward especially long-term goals” and done so “as a tenacious pursuit of a dominant superordinate goal despite setbacks.”

In another research and extensive meta-analysis, Krekel, Ward and De Neve (2019) have found that there are also correlations between employee well-being, employee productivity and firm performance across different industries and regions.

Their work and findings suggest a “strong, positive correlation between employee wellbeing, productivity and firm performance. The evidence base is steadily mounting that this correlation is in fact a causal relationship (running from wellbeing to productivity).”

In this unique coaching programme, we perceive well-being and performance holistically as mutually interdependent where having a better whole life of enhanced physical and mental well-being leads to healthy, sustainable and stronger performance.

We among others draw inspiration from and introduce these terms of Self-Control and Grit to our thinking derived from working with Ultra Endurance Athletes and perspectives from Military Leadership Training.

Furthermore, our coaching is based on Transformative Coaching, which is a specific kind of coaching that helps create a more critical self-reflection and self-awareness that can enable mental paradigm or perspective shifts.

We will in our 12 weeks of coaching take a humanistic approach, that perceives you as a whole human being and thereby perceiving life, well-being and human high performance holistically. 

In this intensive coaching programme you will receive my undivided attention as your Coach and thinking partner in each session and conversations over the course of 12 weeks.

This special transformational High Performance Programme is designed to inspire better lives and help you achieve your dreams and goals in life while ensuring healthy and sustainable human high performance and well-being.

All of that can enable you to unlock your full potential and become more successful in life.


¹Duckworth, A. and Gross, J. J. (2014) Self-Control and Grit: Related but Separable Determinants of Success, Current Directions in Psychological Science 23(5): pp. 319-325.

²Krekel, C., Ward, G. and De Neve, J-E. (2019) Happy employees and their impact on firm performance, CentrePiece Summer 2019 The London School of Economics and Political Science: pp. 16-19.

³Krekel, C., Ward, G. and De Neve, J-E. (2019) Employee Wellbeing, Productivity, and Firm Performance, Said Business School WP 2019-04: pp. 1-43.

So, How does the ELEVATE 12-week Coaching Programme work?

The High Performance Coaching Programme is based on 12 weeks in a row of coaching sessions designed to elevate your performance and well-being.

Coaching process:

  1. Motivated to change: The first initial step to begin the ELEVATE: High Performance Coaching Programme is your desire to achieve your wildest dreams, to become successful and that you are motivated to change: you might want to perform better in your job, want to achieve your dreams in sports or want to unleash your real potential in life.

  2. Schedule Discovery Call: The second step is that you book an initial discovery call, which is a free calibration call prior to beginning the ELEVATE Coaching Programme to ensure good fit and partnership between us and give you an opportunity to experience your Coach.

    These topics will be covered in the discovery call:
    – Get to know each other, build rapport and explore personal chemistry

    – An explanation of what coaching is and what it is not
    – An overview on the benefits of the ELEVATE Coaching Programme
    – Clarity about confidentiality and ethics involved in coaching collaboration
    – Discovering what topic(s) within your life, you would like to work on short- and long-term

  3. Coaching sessions: The third step is the weekly 60 minute Coaching sessions.
    All Coaching conversations are held online using Zoom and every conversation is unique.

    The Coaching sessions commonly follow a process that consists of a beginning, middle and an end, i.e.:

    1) a first part focusing on rightsizing the conversation in partnership with you: agreeing on what the conversation should be about today and clarifying the topics, outcomes or goals you want to bring forward

    2) a second part where your Coach uses open questions in the dialogue around the topic to explore, think and create awareness
    3) a third part focusing on your learnings from the session: actions, accountabilities and commitments agreed upon by you

  4. Session Learnings: Each of our 12 coaching sessions end with accountabilities and actions that enable you to get closer to achieving your goals and dreams.

ELEVATE: High Performance Coaching Programme:

Based on a 12-week Coaching Programme of one-to-one Personal Coaching to help you unleash your potential in life and make your dreams & goals come true and grow sustainable high performance in order to become more successful.

Week 1-12: Consist of Coaching sessions every week in consecutive weeks.

Main target group:

For committed professionals who want to enhance their performance & well-being. You might not be performing well at the moment, are unclear on how to achieve your dreams or you have imbalances in your life. Or you are already a high-performer who wants to improve and achieve success personally and professionally.

The programme includes:

  • 1 x 30 minute free discovery call prior to starting the Coaching Programme. That is to have a calibration, which ensures a good alignment and partnership between you and your Coach.
  • 12 x 60 minute coaching sessions: Weekly one to one sessions (all sessions online on Zoom)
  • 1 x Deeper Signals Core Drivers and Core Values personality assessment for self-awareness (takes app. 15 min)
  • Unlimited access to Coach via email and WhatsApp (typically replies within 24 hours)

Programme investment:
All prices are including VAT.

  • 12-week High Performance Programme: €3200 / 24.000 DKK


ELEVATE: High Performance Programme

Begin your 12-week transformational journey to high performance & well-being
3200 24000 kr
All prices include VAT
  • 12 weeks: 12 x 60 minute coaching
  • Transform from mediocrity to peak performance
  • Elevate your performance and well-being
  • Change your limiting beliefs to overcome barriers

Book a free discovery call

Or get in touch at:
